Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace

Supporting breastfeeding contributes to a company’s ability to retain valued employees after childbirth, as well as add to their return on investment (ROI). Here are a few tools and resources to help you and your business get started!
Breastfeeding Support for Employers
Breastfeeding Support for Employers
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommendations to help employers Support Breastfeeding in the Workplace.
- The Business Case for Breastfeeding from is a comprehensive program designed to educate employers about the value of supporting breastfeeding employees in the workplace.
- The United States Breastfeeding Committee provides information and advocacy on the PUMP (Providing Urgent Maternal Protections) Act.
- The U.S. Department of Labor compilation of compliance assistance materials on the Break Time for Nursing Mothers provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Please take special note of the Community Outreach and Resource Planning Specialists (CORPS) Contact List. The CORPS work to organize compliance assistance and outreach, provide planning and enforcement support, and more. They are a wonderful resources for breastfeeding employees and their employers, as well as all of us who are working to support the field!
- Break Time for Nursing Mothers FAQs
- Break Time for Nursing Mothers Poster (Spanish)
- Break Time for Nursing Mothers Employee Rights Card
- FLSA Handy Reference Guide
- How to File a Complaint
- Contact WHD Office